Study. Representative. Volunteering.
What do we do? What can you do?
All students of our subjects are automatically members of their student representative’s council. Everyone who is present at weekly meetings has the right to vote upon debated issues. Our tasks as the student representatives include the utilization of our term fees, the representation of the students’ opinion in committees and councils of the faculty as well as putting forward the interest of our students in the university’s students council. Furthermore, we are responsible for the social and cultural interests of our fellow students. Thus, besides our weekly meetings and annual plenary meetings we also organize leisure activities and summer parties, the natural sciences prom or the MathPhysTheo party, sometimes together with student representatives from other subjects. Our work is voluntary and thus with a few exceptions free of charge. The lending of past exams, our complaints box, this website and all our other services are run by us for our fellow students unsalaried in our free time. Therefore, it is important to us to present our work for external members in order to inspire them to join us. Because only with students that are continuously committed to get involved in committees and take responsibility for their course of studies a sustainable system can be maintained. Only thought this commitment we are one of the most active student representatives at Heidelberg University. If you have any questions, ideas, criticism, or are interest to participate in our responsible and often times also funny project, please don’t hesitate to look around in the Fachschaftsraum or contact us via the way of your choice. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Weekly meeting of the Fachschaft MathPhysInfo

Lecture notes in the cupboard of the Fachschaftsraum