Welcome sessions for new master students by the faculties

The faculty of math and computer science and the faculty of physics are offering welcome sessions for the new master students of the different subjects.

These events are not to be confused with the less formal induction events by the student council on Tuesday and Wednesday (see other posts on our webpage). For the sake of transparency we also list the events by the faculties here:

Computer Engineering: Monday October 18th, 2pm, INF 350, basement, room UO14

Applied computer science: Tuesday October 19th, 9.30 SR A Mathematikon (INF 205)

Scientific Computing: Friday October 15th, 2-4pm SR C Mathemation

Physics: Monday October 18th, 1pm lecture hall 1 in the KIP (INF 227)

Mathematics: No welcome session.


If you have received a mail by the dean of studies of your subject with differing information please stick to the info of the email. The information gathered here may not be up to date (Sources: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de/studium/service-beratung/angebote-fuer-studierende/studieneinfuehrungen-der-faecher-und-fachschaften/termine-der-studieneinfuehrungen-der-studienfaecher, https://www.informatik.uni-heidelberg.de/studium-und-lehre/master-studiengang, https://mastersc.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/home, personal communication)

Posted in Allgemein.