Events for new master students

For students starting their Master’s degree, the Student Council MathPhysInfo offers an induction event on Tuesday, October 18th, 4 pm in lecture hall 2 in INF 308. This event is especially made for students who moved to Heidelberg recently and supplements the official welcoming events held by members of the corresponding faculty. By attending you will gain some insight into organizing your studies and several services offered by the university to facilitate your life as a student. After an introductory presentation, there will be ample possibility to ask individual questions.

This event is geared towards all master students of mathematics, data and computer science, computer engineering, physics and scientific computing, as well as the Master of Eduction.

For all of you who cannot attend, you can find the presentation of one of the previous years here:

Furthermore, there will be a pub crawl that same evening (Tuesday, October 18th): People who would like to join should meet at the fountain on the UniversitÀtsplatz in the Altstadt at 7 pm.

Events for newcomers

For all newcomers in a master’s degree program at the departments for mathematics and computer science as well as for physics and astronomy, an information session and a pub crawl are organized by the student representatives of Fachschaft MathPhysInfo, in order to make the start of the newcomers’ studies in Heidelberg easier. The information session will cover details and tips on living in Heidelberg and studying at said departments. Afterwards there will be room for personal questions and socializing over coffee and cake. The pub crawl will be another opportunity to meet each other and get to know Heidelberg.

Information session with coffee and cake
Tuesday, April 26th 2022
at 4:00 pm
in seminar room C, Mathematikon (INF 205)

Pub crawl
Wednesday, April 27th 2022
at 8:45 pm
at the fountain on University Square

Moreover, some of the institutes also offer a welcome event:

  • Master Physics: Wednesday, April 20th 2022 at 1 pm Lecure Hall 2 KIP (INF 227)
  • Master Data and Computer Science: Wednesday, April 20th 2022 at 10 am, seminar room A Mathematikon (INF 205)
  • Master Scientific Computing: Wednesday, April 13th 2022 2 pm, seminar room C Mathematikon (INF 205)
  • Master Computer Engineering: Thursday , April 28th 2022 at 2:30 pm, seminar room U014 Otto-Meyerhof-Zentrum (INF 350)

For all of you who can’t attend the information session on April 26, last years presentation is also available on Youtube. If you have any further questions, feel free to write to us

Welcome sessions for new master students by the faculties

The faculty of math and computer science and the faculty of physics are offering welcome sessions for the new master students of the different subjects.

These events are not to be confused with the less formal induction events by the student council on Tuesday and Wednesday (see other posts on our webpage). For the sake of transparency we also list the events by the faculties here:

Computer Engineering: Monday October 18th, 2pm, INF 350, basement, room UO14

Applied computer science: Tuesday October 19th, 9.30 SR A Mathematikon (INF 205)

Scientific Computing: Friday October 15th, 2-4pm SR C Mathemation

Physics: Monday October 18th, 1pm lecture hall 1 in the KIP (INF 227)

Mathematics: No welcome session.


If you have received a mail by the dean of studies of your subject with differing information please stick to the info of the email. The information gathered here may not be up to date (Sources:,,, personal communication)

Pubcrawl for new master students

The student council is offering a relaxed pubcrawl tour through the old town on October 20th.

We’re meeting up at 8.15pm at the fountain on the UniversitĂ€tsplatz.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

(Please bring your vaccination/recovered certificate with you as it is mandatory to enter the bars. If you did not get vaccinated yet please do it quickly.)

Photo of students by javier trueba on Unsplash

Induction event for new master students

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Tuesday, October 18th 2022 starting at 4pm (CEST) in the Physics Lecture Hall (INF 308).  As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to especially introduce newly arriving students at Heidelberg University to their new learning and living environment. After an introductory presentation there will be plenty of time to ask individual questions, so that everything is set for the winter term. Please note that there might be an additional welcome event from the faculty or institute for your programme.

The Master’s induction event is open for all postgraduate students in the Mathematics, Applied Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics and Scientific Computing programmes.

This event follows the 3G rules. If you did not get vaccinated yet, please get the vaccine as quick as possible.

Please don’t hesitate asking questions already prior to the event via email to

For all those of you who aren’t able to attend this event, you can have a look at the presentation videos from the last semesters on Youtube.

Checklist for online learning

The Office for Advisory Services of Heidelberg University have published a checklist with useful information for your daily life learning from home. If you haven’t already make use of these advises, they could help you improve your working and learning experience and feeling more comfortable without face-to-face lectures.

However, it is important as well to continue your social life, meet fellow students for example on our Discord server. Fun and anticipation for upcoming events might be important as well these days.

With this guideline, we could hopefully assist you with your studies.
Stay healthy and see you soon face-to-face!

Photo of students by javier trueba on Unsplash

New student at Heidelberg University?

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Wednesday, April 14th 2021 starting at 4pm (CEST). As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to especially introduce newly arriving students at Heidelberg University to their new learning and living environment. After an introductory presentation there will be plenty of time to ask individual questions, so that everything is set for the winter term. Please note that there might be an additional welcome event from the faculty or institute for your programme.

The Master’s induction event is open for all postgraduate students in the Mathematics, Applied Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics and Scientific Computing programmes.

Due to the ongoing pandemic this event will take place online on the discord server of the student council.

Please don’t hesitate asking questions already prior to the event via email to

For all those of you who aren’t able to attend this event online, we are planning to record the talk and upload it on Youtube afterwards.

Access to Discord-Server

The Discord Server is set up for students enrolled at our university.
However, to protect against abuse we would like to limit access accordingly.

So if you are a student, you are very welcome here and please feel invited to fill out the form!
Afterwards we will send you a link via Email.

    International student get-together

    On April 15th at 7:00pm we will have a get-together for international students on the discord server. ‘Native’ students from Germany are invited just as much as international students, but to be accommodating to non-native german speakers it will held in (broken) english.

    If you want to participate in this get-together, we would strongly suggest you to prepare a meal to go along with the event. This is not only to allay your hunger but also so that you have something to share with the other people at the get-together. Obviously this works especially well if you prepare something that is in some way special to where you come from, but this is of course not mandatory.

    If there is something else you want to share about where you come from (images, stories, etc.) this will surely be appreciated as well so go right ahead with that! The more you are prepared to bring into the get-together the more interesting it will be for all participants. And from experience we can tell you that it is much easier to make new contacts if you bring something about yourself into the conversation.

    We hope to see many of you on Thursday. Until then have good start into the next semester!

    Your Fachschaft MathPhysInfo


    Dear fellow students,

    we would like to invite you to join us at the semester-opening!

    What? get to know your fellow students and play games together

    When? friday, 09.04.2021 – 8 pm

    Where? discord (tell us your name, mail address and Uni-ID in the form to get access)

    Who? You & MathPhysInfo-students of all years

    See you on 09.04. !