Welcome sessions for new master students by the faculties

The faculty of math and computer science and the faculty of physics are offering welcome sessions for the new master students of the different subjects.

These events are not to be confused with the less formal induction events by the student council on Tuesday and Wednesday (see other posts on our webpage). For the sake of transparency we also list the events by the faculties here:

Computer Engineering: Monday October 18th, 2pm, INF 350, basement, room UO14

Applied computer science: Tuesday October 19th, 9.30 SR A Mathematikon (INF 205)

Scientific Computing: Friday October 15th, 2-4pm SR C Mathemation

Physics: Monday October 18th, 1pm lecture hall 1 in the KIP (INF 227)

Mathematics: No welcome session.


If you have received a mail by the dean of studies of your subject with differing information please stick to the info of the email. The information gathered here may not be up to date (Sources: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de/studium/service-beratung/angebote-fuer-studierende/studieneinfuehrungen-der-faecher-und-fachschaften/termine-der-studieneinfuehrungen-der-studienfaecher, https://www.informatik.uni-heidelberg.de/studium-und-lehre/master-studiengang, https://mastersc.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/home, personal communication)

Pubcrawl for new master students

The student council is offering a relaxed pubcrawl tour through the old town on October 20th.

We’re meeting up at 8.15pm at the fountain on the UniversitĂ€tsplatz.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

(Please bring your vaccination/recovered certificate with you as it is mandatory to enter the bars. If you did not get vaccinated yet please do it quickly.)

Photo of students by javier trueba on Unsplash

Induction event for new master students

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Tuesday, October 18th 2022 starting at 4pm (CEST) in the Physics Lecture Hall (INF 308).  As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to especially introduce newly arriving students at Heidelberg University to their new learning and living environment. After an introductory presentation there will be plenty of time to ask individual questions, so that everything is set for the winter term. Please note that there might be an additional welcome event from the faculty or institute for your programme.

The Master’s induction event is open for all postgraduate students in the Mathematics, Applied Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics and Scientific Computing programmes.

This event follows the 3G rules. If you did not get vaccinated yet, please get the vaccine as quick as possible.

Please don’t hesitate asking questions already prior to the event via email to fachschaft@mathphys.info

For all those of you who aren’t able to attend this event, you can have a look at the presentation videos from the last semesters on Youtube.

Photo of students by javier trueba on Unsplash

New student at Heidelberg University?

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Wednesday, April 14th 2021 starting at 4pm (CEST). As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to especially introduce newly arriving students at Heidelberg University to their new learning and living environment. After an introductory presentation there will be plenty of time to ask individual questions, so that everything is set for the winter term. Please note that there might be an additional welcome event from the faculty or institute for your programme.

The Master’s induction event is open for all postgraduate students in the Mathematics, Applied Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics and Scientific Computing programmes.

Due to the ongoing pandemic this event will take place online on the discord server of the student council.

Please don’t hesitate asking questions already prior to the event via email to fachschaft@mathphys.info

For all those of you who aren’t able to attend this event online, we are planning to record the talk and upload it on Youtube afterwards.

Hardship scholarship for students in financial need

Have you heard about the hardship scholarship of the Stura?

The student representation financially supports students that are confronted to a hard financial situation. They ask us to share the following information:

Dear Students,

the corona pandemic is a challenge for all of us. Many of you might loose their jobs or cannot be supported by their parents anymore in case they loose parts of their income due to corona. We do not want anybody to drop out of university due to financial reasons. That is why we want to remind you of the option to apply for a hardship scholarship. This is a special scholarship to prevent students in financial trouble from dropping out of university. Please send applications to haertefallkommission@stura.uni-heidelberg.de. Here you will find information on all the documents we need: https://www.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/angebote/info/hardship-scholarship/ (english). Currently applications can only be submitted via e-mail. This scholarship is an offer to all students in financial need including refugees and students from abroad.

Stay safe!

Old exams can be copied again

The Mathematikon can be accessed by students again (Obligation to wear a FPP2 mask or a medical mask), nonetheless the library remains closed. Therefore if you need old exams we will print them directly for you, you just need to choose a date and tell us which exams you need in the following form:

Please be very punctual, respect the higiene and distance rules and coordinate yourself with your friends (such that at little students as possible need to come in person). Thank you and stay healthy!

Updates regarding working group fair (fAIM)

We have finally gathered enough registrations for the working group fAIM that will be held this Thursday, such that a preliminary time schedule is now online: https://aim.mathphys.info/zeitplan.html

Furthermore the working groupes provided us descriptions of their current research that you can find on the fAIM-Webpage: https://aim.mathphys.info/#

The event will take place on the Platform Discord where every research group will get their own room. The link to the discord-server will be published on the day of the event. See you soon!

Save the date: fAIM on the 28th of January!

On the 28.01.2021, we are going to host the fernArbeitsgruppenInspirationsMesse (research group fair) – short fAIM together with the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. \\
Starting at 2 pm, you can digitally meet professors, PHD students, masters students and other members from different research groups and talk about
thesis projects, a HiWi job or generally the current research in the groups. \\
For more information, a time-schedule and a short presentation of the participating research groups please visit https://www.aim.mathphys.info/#.

E-Mails of our faculties to the students

Dear fellow students,

the deans and deans of studies of our faculties recently wrote e-mails informing about the current situation concerning the state of teaching in the summer semester.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science published the e-mails on the start page of the faculty homepage.

Unfortunately the e-mails by the physics-dean of studies have not been published on the faculty homepage. As not all our students have received these mails you can find them here:

03.05.20: deanofstudies_mail3 (pdf)
15.04.20:  deanofstudies_mail2 (pdf)
03.04.20: deanofstudies_mail1 (pdf)