
What is it that the student council actually does? To give you a first impression of our projects you will find the most important ones described shortly below:

Preparation Weeks

At the beginning of each winter term, we take two weeks to prepare you for your upcoming study of mathematics or computer science. For additional information click here.

Tutored Workspace

Starting your studies in mathematics or computer science, weekly assignments are new to most of us. If you encounter difficulties you and your friends cannot solve, we offer you a tutored workspace on the KIP’s second floor. Regardless of your field of study you are welcome to approach us about your assignments or studying in general every weekday between 1 and 7 pm.


To give lecturers a regular feedback, once a semester a lecture evaluation is held in all three courses of studies. In mathematics and computer science, they are carried out by the faculty, in physics they are carried out by us. This includes printing and distributing the questionnaires and subsequent analysis. If you want to learn more about the system, click here [internal link].

Online Lecture Feedback

How do I tell the lecturers that their lecture is unrealistically difficult or that the amount of content is disproportionate? What do I do when despite numerous comments the lecturer speaks inaudibly, regularly changes the assignments’ system or the lecture has little to do with what is required? If problems like these arise, we offer you an online feedback system called Kummerkasten. Write a comment on the respective lecture, we send it to the lecturers anonymously.
A note on the language: please refrain from insulting the lecturers. We do read the comments but forward them mostly uncensored. After all, professors are human, too.


At the beginning of each semester Baden-Wurttemberg’s if not Germany’s largest party organized by students (the proof is left to the attentive reader) is held in the cafeteria: the MathPhysTheo. The council of mathematics, physics, computer science, theology and religion sciences spend an entire semester organizing this event together.
By the way: Helping hands are always welcome. So if you feel like joining us for organization or implementation, just send us an email.