News regarding your studies

Events for new master students

For students starting their Master’s degree, the Student Council MathPhysInfo offers an induction event on Tuesday, October 18th, 4 pm in lecture hall 2 in INF 308. This event is especially made for students who moved to Heidelberg recently and supplements the official welcoming events held by members of the corresponding faculty. By attending you […]

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Events for newcomers

For all newcomers in a master’s degree program at the departments for mathematics and computer science as well as for physics and astronomy, an information session and a pub crawl are organized by the student representatives of Fachschaft MathPhysInfo, in order to make the start of the newcomers’ studies in Heidelberg easier. The information session […]

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Welcome sessions for new master students by the faculties

The faculty of math and computer science and the faculty of physics are offering welcome sessions for the new master students of the different subjects. These events are not to be confused with the less formal induction events by the student council on Tuesday and Wednesday (see other posts on our webpage). For the sake […]

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Pubcrawl for new master students

The student council is offering a relaxed pubcrawl tour through the old town on October 20th. We’re meeting up at 8.15pm at the fountain on the UniversitĂ€tsplatz. Looking forward to meeting you there! (Please bring your vaccination/recovered certificate with you as it is mandatory to enter the bars. If you did not get vaccinated yet […]

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Induction event for new master students

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Tuesday, October 18th 2022 starting at 4pm (CEST) in the Physics Lecture Hall (INF 308).  As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to […]

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Checklist for online learning

The Office for Advisory Services of Heidelberg University have published a checklist with useful information for your daily life learning from home. If you haven’t already make use of these advises, they could help you improve your working and learning experience and feeling more comfortable without face-to-face lectures. However, it is important as well to […]

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New student at Heidelberg University?

The students’ representatives council MathPhysInfo is offering an induction event for all new Master’s students on Wednesday, April 14th 2021 starting at 4pm (CEST). As this event mainly addresses questions regarding the organization of studies and various service offers for an everyday life of a student in Heidelberg, it aims to especially introduce newly arriving […]

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Access to Discord-Server

The Discord Server is set up for students enrolled at our university. However, to protect against abuse we would like to limit access accordingly. So if you are a student, you are very welcome here and please feel invited to fill out the form! Afterwards we will send you a link via Email.

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International student get-together

On April 15th at 7:00pm we will have a get-together for international students on the discord server. ‘Native’ students from Germany are invited just as much as international students, but to be accommodating to non-native german speakers it will held in (broken) english. If you want to participate in this get-together, we would strongly suggest […]

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