Student Council Tasks


Our joint students’ council MathPhysInfo is comprised of the individual councils of mathematics, physics and computer science students. Being a current student in one of those courses, you’re a member of our students’ council by default and possess a vote at all council sessions by simply being present.


We are involved in anything regarding studies and student life. Some projects are organized regularly, some emerge by themselves from time to time as one-offs. The following is a (by no means full) list of projects.

Socializing Events

We, as a student council, want to promote socializing and networking between students and to let our students have fun. For that purpose, we organize Game Nights (often in cooperation with other student councils), pub quizzes, the MathPhysTheo (our student party), hackathons, summer parties, and many more. If you have any ideas for other events, feel free to contact us!


Active student council members are sent to faculty- and/or university-wide committees as student representatives. An overview of committees, their goals and our representatives can be found on our committee list.

Research Group Inspiration Fair (AIM)

Since winter semester 19/20 the physics student council has been organizing this annual information fair, where research groups from the faculty of physics present themselves to the students. This way, students have an easier time finding a spot for a thesis or a part-time job as a research assistant.

Prep course

Since we don’t want our students to be thrown into the deep end of their maths or CompSci studies, we organize a two to three week prep course in the last weeks before each winter semester.


The concept of the weekly work sheet is foreign to each new student. Because difficulties arise and often can’t be solved with your own group of people, we have organized a Helpdesk, which has been running since 2014. Experienced tutors stand by your side, along with a reference library. More can be found here or here.

Suggestion Box

What if, in the first weeks of studies, the professor already covers too much stuff to understand, much less learn? What if, despite multiple requests, they cannot be understood, constantly change the work group system or make homework which is far removed from anything covered in the lectures? This is why we offer the Suggestion box. Students can express their critiques of lectures of professors anonymously, and we forward the anonymous suggestions to the professors.

Applications for quality assurance funds (QSM)

Besides the student councils money, the student council has the right to propose use cases in the distribution of study quality assurance funds (studentische Qualitätssicherungsmittel, QSM), which, between physics and math/compsci, amount annualy to about 100.000€.More informations can be found in the guide of the QSM department of our Organized Student Body. The funds are for ensuring quality of teaching and were previously spent on initiatives such as
  • additional tutorials for lectures
  • equipment for practicals (physics)
  • Elearning-projects (e.g. Mampf)
  • excursion to the CERN
  • assistants for the Helpdesk in the KIP
  • student workshop in the KIP
If you have any other ideas, join our weekly meeting or write an e-mail!

Questions and Past Exams

When there’s time outside of our own curriculum, we are often at our office, answering questions regarding your curriculum, places you can turn to in need of personal emergencies, or your life as a student in Heidelberg. Go to Office Hours for information on office hours and how to find us. Most importantly, while the office is open, we also lend you past exams and examination reports for your exams preparations.